I'm fundraising for...
Thank you to my Sponsors

Keli Mason

Jim Mason
Great cause - good luck.

Hermit Park Oshc
Good luck Jamie!

Mary & Olive Cato
Good Luck Mr Jamie. From Mary & Olive Cato.

Bloom Tuition

Diana Miller-mendez

Matt Mason
Remember to send it on day 1 and leave nothing in the tank..

Kate Lewis Smith

Mikkayla Mcleod

Big W & Grill'd Townsville
We are so proud to support your ride for kids with cancer.

Kate Martyn
Best of luck Jamie

Brax Sinanian
Ride hard Mr Jamie

Maya Miller

D’veka Aakjaer
best of luck Jamie !!


Isabelle Kelly

Lance Armstrong
Don’t forget to keep the blood in the fridge bad boy

Bmd Urbex & Optimum Legal
We are so proud to support your ride for kids with cancer.

Amelia & Abigial Ponti
Good luck Jamie!
Our Team

Robert Mitchell

James Kennedy

Michael Ormonde (C)

Lionel Murphy

Alana Murphy

Chris Mallon

Rep 8 CCIA

Brooke Cross

Andrew 'Sherro' Sherrington

Jeff Mills

Jamie Ormonde


Erica Donaghy

Lawrence Polga

Aaron Schultz

Mark Dale

Mario Romeo


Yay, go Jamie :)