I'm fundraising for...
I am taking part in the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride to raise funds for Children's Cancer Institute.
Every week in Australia, 20 children are diagnosed with cancer and sadly, three young lives will be lost to the disease. Children's
Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute wholly dedicated to childhood cancer.
Together, we can help more children with cancer not only survive but go on to live long and healthy lives.
Please DONATE NOW and support my 3-day ride to change the lives of children with cancer.
Our Team

René Zimmermann
Raised so far:

Darren Simpson

Jay Bartlett
Raised so far:

Robert Ibell
Raised so far:

Mark Adams

Rep 1 CCIA (C)

Michelle Haber

Guy Johnson
Raised so far:

Joanne Hodgetts
Raised so far:

Anne Johnston

Barry Davies

Kurt Krauklis

Gaye Costello

Michael Walker
Raised so far:

Bernadette Radford

erica Donaghy

Marcus Monteith
Raised so far:

Raised so far:

Charlene Allen
Raised so far:

Mike Smith
Raised so far:

Raised so far:

Graeme Eakin

Lyn Eakin

Trudi Chudleigh
Raised so far:

Paul Teutenberg

Alyssa Davies

Daniel Coombe

Raised so far:

Brendan Arboit

Daneeka Chudleigh

Colin Dallavanzi

Rhonda Brown

Debbie Dallavanzi

Raised so far:


Rachel Jamieson
Raised so far:

jane thompson

David Waddell

Raised so far:

Felicity Boevink
Raised so far:

Lesley Goodwill